Friday, August 28, 2015

Identical Twins get same mark in exam - in same course at same university

Identical twins Anuja and Shailja Chalishazar wowed their family by getting exactly the same A-level grades in exactly the same subjects.And now 12 months later they have achieved exactly the same mark in their end of year exams.

“We still can’t get over it,” said Shailja. “Even our parents couldn’t believe it.”
The 19-year-olds are studying medicine at Cardiff University after achieving A*s in biology and maths and As in chemistry.

They each applied to five universities and said it was “a huge coincidence” that they were both accepted to CardiffThey were called for interview on the same day and received their offers at the same time, after helping each other prepare for interviews.

There are 300 people in their year group at university, but they have ended up in the same seminar group of 10 students.
“It’s nice being together,” Shailja tells UK Mirror “We walk to lectures together and we revise together – that might be why we get the same marks.”People do get us mixed up. I think half of the university has realised we’re twins and the other half hasn’t.”
“Sometimes people come up to me thinking I’m Anuja and vice versa. Sometimes we play along.
“I’ve had someone say to me: ‘You’re twins? I didn’t realise!’ Even our friends get us mixed up.”

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