Saturday, September 5, 2015

Angelina Jolie Has A Striking Lookalike From Scotland…It’s Scary!!


I actually did a double take when I first saw her pics. It’s like I was looking at a younger version of Angelina Jolie!
Her striking resemblance to Angelina Jolie turns heads wherever she goes.
But Scottish student Chelsea Marr, 24, has turned down the chance of a glamorous life of modelling – in favour of working as a recruitment manager.
Her similarity to the 40-year-old Hollywood star, who is married to Brad Pitt, has seen her take the internet by storm.
ANJELINA JOLIE LOOKALIKE-2She also revealed she is not a model but works as an operations manager for an oil and gas recruitment company in Aberdeen.

She wrote:

‘Thank you so much to those who took the time to write those articles about me, they were all so kind, too kind in fact.
‘I am extremely flattered to be compared to the amazing Angelina Jolie!’

ANJELINA JOLIE LOOKALIKE-3When one woman offered her a modelling job, she replied:

‘Trust me you don’t want me modelling for your shows, I am 5ft 2in, I will end up tripping up and ruining your dresses.’
Miss Jolie is 5ft 7in.
ANJELINA JOLIE LOOKALIKE-4Miss Marr admits that she has had lip fillers, an operation on her nose after it was broken, and breast augmentation taking her from an A cup to a B or C cup. 


Source: MailOnline

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